It’s the week of the event.  You are getting crazy requests, have seemingly impossible expectations and a key volunteer is not feeling well.  Oh yes, it happens to everyone.

But alas…the show will go on and you will be fine.  No matter what type of event you’re managing – small and intimate or large and prominent – there are things that happen (or don’t happen) the week of the event that will distract you and cause anxiety. Believe it or not, these things are normal and it happens to everyone, even the most experienced event planners. These are also the things that make great stories.

As a recap to the event planning process, here are a few reminders of the steps leading up to this point:

  • You brainstormed new ideas and had a vision for the event…some are coming true and some are not.
  • You had a plan and a timeline that kept you on track and you tried hard to follow it.
  • You communicated ahead of time and you’ve got amazing guests or participants ready for a fabulous experience.

Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to pull off an amazing experience for everyone:

  • Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to pull in the big dogs when your expertise and talents are maxed.  This can be as small as contacting a board member for extra help (“Do you know any caterers we can rely on?”  Or “The rental company we are contracted with double-booked and we don’t have any tables.  Who else can we call?”  My personal favorite: “Our celebrity speaker can’t get on a plane due to a snowstorm, what should we do?”).  Or it can be a large favor in that you need a large volunteer contingency and you need to start calling around town to get individuals around you to help.  Bottom line:  ask for help and don’t be shy.
  • Avoid spending a lot of time and energy on extravagant requests. It’s always fun to do the impossible and make someone’s dream come true but there are times along the way that this is not possible. It’s ok to say, “I tried and I couldn’t make this one happen.” But really give it a try…granting a special request of a guest or participant will make a lasting impression on their ‘feeling’ about the experience.  Also, know when to throw in the towel.
  • Don’t forget to keep your sense of humor. It’s event week and of course you’re going to lose sleep over a million things and worry if everything really is in place and ready to go.  But, at the end of the day, laugh with the people around you.  It’s what makes a memorable experience for everyone.

You’re ready…you may not feel like you are and there are still a ton of things still to be done.  But when this week comes…you’re ready!  Jump off (and laugh)!